A cleaner way to heat your home
Unlike heating systems you may be used to, heat pumps don’t generate heat from electricity or fossil fuels. Instead heat pumps move heat from one place to another (as the name pump suggests). By doing this, a well designed heat pump installation can delivery up to 300 percent efficiency for the energy that it uses, making it cheaper and greener to run than a traditional heating system.
If you combine a heat pump with solar panels, you can make your home ultra-clean and heavily self-sufficient. And thanks to government backed funding, if you don’t heat your home with gas and someone in your home receives benefits, you could get a full solar and heat pump system completely free.
Our recommended Heat Pump brands
Heating without fossil fuels
Safer than combustion heating
Cheaper than gas for many homes
How it works
1) Warmth from outside air is pumped into the heat pump unit, over a heat exchanger.
2) The warmth in the air, despite being colder than inside air normally, is warm enough to evaporate the refrigerant chemicals inside the heat exchanger.
3) The now gas state refrigerant goes through a compressor, causing its temperature to rise as it reaches a higher pressure.
4) The heat generated through the system can now be blown out around your home or used to heat a water based system through the heat exchange.